Life vehicles

Madonna is a master of vehicles.

Madonna, The Material Girl: Satin gloves, diamonds, blonde hair, and lavish gowns - the Marilyn Monroe look.

Madonna, The Boy Toy: Lace gloves, crucifixes, teased hair, layered jewellery, and punk-inspired outfits.

Madonna, The Disco Queen: Leotards, thigh-high boots, and disco balls.

Yet, underneath each set of clothes, underneath each character, underneath each act - is the same person: Madonna.

Each vehicle is a different way for Madonna to express her self and her art. In every vehicle, Madonna's values and aspirations are the same. Her talent, intelligence and sensibilities are the same. They belong to Madonna the person; not the vehicle she chooses.

Every human being has many ways of being, and we automatically develop vehicles to help us negotiate our world.

The parent vehicle.

The professional vehicle.

The friend vehicle.

The father vehicle.

The daughter vehicle.

At work, we may dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and use social customs and manners that are appropriate to our professional world. At home, we may change our clothes, our speech patterns, our manners, our personalities.

We do this automatically, but if we follow Madonna's lead and create our vehicles more consciously, we can move through our lives more effectively.